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Office Relocations: Stress Free

Office Relocations

Take the Headache out of Office Relocations

Where can you find the best office removalists in Sydney?
  • Contact Quick & Easy removals
  • Take care of all the heavy lifting
  • Get your business back up and running within a day

So, you’ve decided it’s time to move office. This may be an exciting time for your business, but it can also be a difficult time. Even for the smallest of organisations, the moving process can be quite an ordeal. There will be dozens – perhaps even hundreds – of desks, computers, chairs, furniture and other pieces of equipment to make their way to the new digs. It’s invariably a lengthy process.

To make matters worse, however, you have the added burden that any downtime could cost your business large sums of money. You may be moving offices, but it’s still business as usual – there is work to be done, there are products to be sold and there are services to be provided. As a result, you’ll want to ensure that not only does the move go as smoothly as possible, but it also needs to run as quickly as possible so you can continue to trade.

Minimise Downtime

That’s where Quick & Easy Removals comes into the picture. We’re experts at office relocations, and we’re able to provide the knowledge, experience and manpower to ensure your relocation runs as efficiently as possible in order to minimise costly downtime.

Firstly, Quick & Easy removalists have all the “brawn” you’ll need. Many of the items of furniture and electronics in your office will be large, heavy and awkwardly shaped, making them difficult for you and your employees to move. We have the physical strength to make light work of even the most difficult items, and we also have the moving knowledge to negotiate difficult obstacles such as doorways, stairwells and corners.


Our knowledge of packing is also extremely valuable. We’re able to pack your office furniture into the truck in the best-fitting way possible to minimise the number of trips we’ll have to make between offices, saving you money. Indeed, if you want to take the headaches out of the packing and unpacking process altogether, just make the request and we can take care of this aspect for you as well.

Our packers and removalists also have the knowledge and experience to minimise the risk associated with broken or damaged items during the move. We’ll provide free tools including boxes, bubble wrap, butcher paper and so forth to ensure your items are well-protected, and we’ll take the utmost care when disassembling, moving and reassembling your office furniture.

Call Quick & Easy Removals for removals in Sydney or to interstate locations today or fill out our easy online form for an obligation-free quote!

What is Bond Cleaning?

Bond cleaning is also known as end of lease cleaning or exit cleaning.
Bond cleaning is the cleaning of your unit or house that is required by law (represented by the real estate agent) in order for you to be refunded the bond deposit you paid when you first leased the property.

If at the end of your lease your exit cleaning is not of a sufficiently high standard you may lose some and possibly even your entire bond.

An exit, moving out or bond clean is a very, very thorough clean of your home and unit.

Real Estate Condition Form

Both you and your real estate agent will have a real estate condition form that details the condition of each room of your home. This includes the number of hooks or nails on the walls, any stains or damage that was already made before you moved in.

This real estate condition form will then be used to check if everything in the home is exactly the same as when you first moved in – allowing for reasonable wear and tear.

The real estate condition form has different names in different states. In Queensland for example it is called the Entry Condition Report.

To download an example of the NSW Tenants and Home Owners Condition Report, Click Here.

What is Bond Cleaning

A bond clean or exit clean usually includes the following:-

All windows inside and outside
Carpets are steam cleaned
The inside and top of all cupboards are wiped down
Garden tidy, free of debris and lawns mowed
Swimming pool sparking – if there is one
Cleaning the walls
Ensuring that all window finishings such as blinds and curtains are clean
Removing insects and dirt from all light fittings and polishing them
Vacuuming and mopping all floors
Cleaning of all window tracks
A thorough oven clean
Ensuring all surfaces are wiped down and any new stains or marks removed
Washing the extractor fans
Making sure the skirting boards are free of marks and dust

Our cleaning teams at Quick and Easy Removals will remove the stress of bond cleaning for you. Our prices are very competitive and our cleaners experienced in providing the high standards that are required for a bond clean.

Top 5 Moving Mistakes in Australia

Moving Mistake Number One
Choosing the Wrong Furniture Removalist

By far the largest cost of moving home is the hire of a furniture removalist business. For this reason it is very tempting to choose the cheapest possible home removals firm. This could however backfire on you if you end up with damaged or lost items.

We recommend that you obtain at least 3 quotes from different removalists. We also recommend that you thoroughly research each one.

One of the best indicators of a reliable and reasonably priced removalist is customer reviews.

You can obtain a quote from Quick and Easy Removalists by using our Online Calculator.

Moving Mistake Number Two

Forgetting to Label Boxes

If you don’t label the boxes as you pack them you are going to find that it will take you at least three times as long to unpack! It’s such a simple task and really helps make your move quick and easy.

We recommend you label your boxes clearly with which room they belong in and a description of what goods are in each box. Label every box on two or more sides and on the top as well.

If you let our Quick and Easy removals team know which room is which they will place the boxes in the right rooms for you, saving you heaps of time and effort.

Moving Mistake Number Three

Underestimating the Time it takes to Move Home

Most people underestimate the amount of time that is required when moving house.

The most common mistake in estimating time is how long it takes to pack all your household goods. Too many customers tell us they have been up all night packing!

Estimate how long you think it will take you to pack, then double it and you are then probably closer to the right amount of time.

If you want to take a great deal of the stress out of your home relocation, you could consider using our pre-packing service.

Moving Mistake Number Four

Not Purging Yourself of Unwanted Belongings

Most of us have cupboards full of clothes, ornaments, and books etc that have not been used for years and are unlikely to be needed in the future.
It’s a no-brainer to hire a skip and discard items that you no longer need. This will save you lots of time in packing, the cost of the removal and time in unpacking at your new home…

Honestly, there is absolutely no point in moving items and then throwing then out when you unpack.

Moving Mistake Number Five

Forgetting to Pack a Survival Kit

It is essential that you have a survival kit box which will go with you to your new home in your car.

Items that need to be in your survival kit include:

Your mobile phone
Your keys and handbag
A kettle, a couple of cups, coffee/tea, sugar and long life milk; and/or
Plenty of soft drink or water
Emergency food – fruit is always a good option, energy bars (you may need them) and some of your children’s favourite snacks
iPads for the children or other device or board game that will keep them out from underfoot
Toilet paper and medications if you take them regularly – some panadol might also be a good idea!
If you have a dog or cat, then a container for water and some pet food.

You can avoid making moving mistakes by using our Moving House Checklist.

Wishing you a successful, quick and easy home relocation from Quick and Easy Removals

Packing Services Cost in Sydney

The cost of packing services varies considerably.

Obviously the amount of goods you have affects the cost of a removal packing service.

The other major factor affecting the cost of a packing service is the rate that is charged by the company you engage.

Cost-Effective Packing Service

We at Quick and Easy Removals provide a very cost-effective packing service. We are also upfront about our charges.

We charge $40 per half hour for two professional packers. Charging by the hour means you will only be paying for the actual service you need.

Cost of Packing Service – Quotes
We highly recommend that you research the cost of packing services provided by other furniture removal businesses. Some removal business will quote you a rate per hour; others will provide you with a quote for the completion of the whole packing job.

Cost of Removal Packing Service – Questions

When obtaining a quote for the cost for packing your belongings you need to ask the questions listed below.

Does the quote include the provision of all packing materials?
How many packers will they be providing?
Will they label all boxes for you?
Have they got any testimonials written by customers who have used their packing service already?

Cost of Packing Service – Keep the Costs Down

There are several ways that you can keep the cost down when engaging a packing service.

It is a good idea to hire a skip and discard any belongings that you no longer require. This can significantly reduce the cost of the packing service and it really makes no sense to pay for the packing and moving of items that you no longer want. You may choose to have the belongings of some, but not all of the rooms in your home packed. You can choose to engage a packing service to pre-pack but not unpack as well. By doing some research you should be able to find an affordable but also professional packing service.

Packing Services Cost – Quick and Easy Removals

As said we provide two professional packers for a rate of $40 per half hour (GST not included). The packing services provided by us for this cost are listed below.

All cartons and boxes clearly labelled.
Dismantling large items of furniture and ensuring that the bolts, screws etc are safely stored.
Extreme care and experience in safely packing delicate and valuable items.
Sturdy packing boxes provided for free – we do however require a small deposit which you are refunded once you return the boxes to us.
Blankets are provided by the removalist team. As said boxes are provided free. However our cost of packing service does not include other packing materials such as bubble wrap, tape and butches paper.
We can however provide these materials for you at a very competitive rate.
Peace of mind that your belongings are packed by experts thereby reducing the likelihood of damage to your goods during the move.

Packing Services with Quick and Easy

We also offer the flexibility of providing you with additional packers should you require this. We have the resources to ensure that all your packing and removal needs are met.

If you would like some additional information regarding our pre packing service, please click here.

Our friendly and knowledgeable customer service staff are always happy to answer any questions you may have, please feel free to call them on 02 8761 6380.

Packing Materials for Moving House – What do I need?

If you are asking the question “What packing materials do I need?” then you are obviously planning a home or office relocation.

We at Quick and Easy Removals are highly experienced in both packing and moving furniture and household goods. Thus we are in a good position to advise you on what packing materials you need.

The Right Packing Materials

Firstly we would like to state the obvious – using the right packing materials will provide you with the best protection against damage of goods during a move.

Secondly we would like to point out that using the right packing materials will also make the job easier for you.

Provided below are all the packing materials that you will need for your home or office relocation.

Packing Boxes

You will need lots and lots of different sized boxes. At Quick and Easy Removals we provide you with sturdy packing boxes for free. All you need to do is pay a deposit which we will refund when you return the boxes to us.

You will need small, medium, large and extra large moving boxes. Please don’t make the mistake of packing small but heavy items such as books in the large and extra large boxes.

Wardrobe boxes make moving your hanging clothes so much easier – we highly recommend that you make use of these boxes.

We found this article on the net which may help you determine the number of boxes that you will need. Alternatively you are welcome to contact us (02 9554 7155) and we will advise you based on our experience the number and type of boxes you are likely to need based on the size of your home.

Bubble wrap

Bubble wrap should be used for all the delicate or dangerous (such as knives) items that you pack. When using bubble wrap you should turn the little bubble in onto the item that you are wrapping. This provides greater protection than using it the other way around.

Butchers paper

Using newspaper to wrap your goods is going to create extra work for your. As the ink comes of the paper and you will find yourself having to wash and clean many, many items once you have unpacked. For the reasonable cost that you can obtain butchers or packing paper it is recommended that you add this to your packing materials list.

Sealing Tape

It is best to use clear sealing tape so you don’t mistakenly cover the content label that you have written on the box. But most importantly you need to use heavy duty sealing tape and we recommend that you use the tape on the bottom of the boxes as well to provide greater strength to the box.

Sealing Tape Dispenser

A good strong sealing tape dispenser is absolutely vital in making your packing job easier. If someone is going to help you pack, buy two or more, it will really speed up your packing job.

Permanent Pens

We recommend that you purchase several permanent pens for labelling the contents on your boxes. Like sealing tape dispenses, the more the merrier as you cut down on time hunting for the pens which continually disappear.

You should also buy medium or thick pens so that your labelling stands out.

Packing Materials from Quick and Easy Removals

We stock all the packing materials as described above and can provide you with what you need at a very competitive price.

Please call us and we can advise which types and how much of each type of packing material that you will need. We will then also advise you the cost for the materials required.

If you would like some packing tips, please click here

If you would to use our prepacking service please click here

Moving Out Cleaning – What is Involved?

There are really two different levels of moving out cleaning.

The first is an official standard of cleaning that is required if you have been renting your home, known as bond or end of lease cleaning.

The second is an unofficial standard that most people adopt when they have sold their home.

What Does Moving Out Cleaning Involve – Bond Cleaning

Bond cleaning requires a very high level of cleanliness. Exactly what is required for an end of lease bond clean is provided in this article.

What Does Moving Out Cleaning Involve – sale of your Home

Generally the standard of cleaning when departing a home that you have sold is not as high as that for an end of lease clean.

It is generally just a case of good manners. In determining the standard of a home relocation you should firstly consider how clean you would like your newly purchased home to be when you move in. Then you should plan to provide that level of cleanliness for the new owners of your house/unit.

Unofficial Moving Out CLeaning Standards

Whilst unofficial, moving out cleaning for a sold house ought to really include the tasks described below.

Clean the oven
Sweep and mop all floors
Vacuum the carpet (whether you should clean the carpet depends on how dirty they are and how bad a conscience you are going to have if you don’t get it done)
Good clean of the kitchen including the insides and outsides of the cupboards and drawers
Wipe down all surfaces throughout your home
Thoroughly clean all bathrooms including cleaning the shower glass and recess, cleaning the bath, wiping down mirrors, scrubbing toilets and wiping down all surfaces
Garden tidy and lawns mowed
Swimming pool clean and water healthy
Remove all debris from the property
Clean the inside of all windows
Clean the outside of windows if they are pretty dirty
Remove cobwebs
If you light fittings have trapped a number of insects you may consider taking them down and polishing them up
If your fans are coated in dust it would be a good idea to wash the dust off

If after reading what is required for a moving out clean you think it might be best done by professionals, we can help you with this.

We have teams of professional cleaners who can take this time consuming task away from you. If you wish to know how much it would cost for us to clean your home, click here. This page provides the cost of moving out cleaning for different sized homes and also for whether or not it is a bond clean or just a sold house property clean.

Please remember, there is no official standard or requirement for moving out cleaning when it is a property that you have sold.

The above list is just a guideline and should be adopted as such. Many people will believe this list too extensive; on the other hand many will believe that it is not sufficiently comprehensive.

If you would like to present your old home in an immaculate condition to the new owners, then we suggest that you follow the requirements for a bond clean, click here for more information.

Pre-Cleaning Service

You may be interested to know that we at Quick and Easy also offer a pre-moving in cleaning service. If you want to be confident that your new home is spick and span for you to move into call us today and we can discuss this service with you.

Moving Checklist- What People Forget to List

There are plenty of moving out checklists available on the net and many are very comprehensive.

There are three checklists on our website that we have provided in order to assist you in all the tasks required when relocating your home.

Moving Home Checklist

Moving Interstate Checklist

Packing Checklist

Moving Checklist Advice

When moving it is a good idea for people to search the net for moving checklists and then combine them to make sure they have the most comprehensive and complete checklist available.

Unless you move regularly if you make your own list without any help, you will be assured that you will forget to put something on the list.

In our experience at Quick and Easy Removals there are two really important items that people forget to add to their checklist and these are provided below.

Moving Checklist what People Forget to List- Important but Commonly Forgotten Items

Whilst our pets are extremely valuable to us for some reason they are often forgotten when compiling a moving out checklist. Pet needs really need to be up on the top of the list as there are several things that you may need to organise for your pets when moving home.

Are they going to need to be transported? Will they need to be flown to the new destination? If you are going overseas you will need to find out the regulations regarding quarantine etc.

If you decide not to take your pet with you to your new residence, then can you find a good home for your pet? If you know someone who would like to have your pet then this is easy. However if this is not the case you may need to advertise to find a new home for your cat, dog, bird etc.

If you are doing a simple move from one suburb to the other, your pet should still be on your list. You need to consider where your pet is best located when the removal team arrives. Do you have somewhere safe you can shut your pet up in so that he/she doesn’t get out the gate and onto the road while the loading and unloading of the truck is happening?

A final matter relating to pets that is often left off the check list is that they need access to food and water on moving day. Thus you should add to your checklist to pack in your ‘essentials box’ a bowl for water and possibly some food as well for your pet.

‘Essentials Box’

It is vital that you have on your checklist an ‘essentials box’. This box should contain all the items that you need close at hand at all times on moving day.

Items that are likely to go into this box would be your handbag, keys, mobile phone, drinks, snacks, electronic devices or other games for the children, bowl and food for our pet, cleaning cloths, cleaning liquid and toilet paper! You would also be wise to include one or more box cutters (knife or scissors) so you can start unpacking as soon as the boxs are delivered.

If you are an avid coffee or tea drinker then you will need to pack the kettle, tea, coffee and long life milk as well.

The ‘essentials box’ needs to be put in a secure place – make sure it is not packed onto the removal van! Also as it contains your handbag and money it should not be left where someone could easily take it.

Whilst not a perfect solution one option could be place it on the top shelf of an empty cupboard. Another option is to lock the box in your car. If you do this you will still have to find a safe spot for your phone and keys.

If you are looking for other advice and help for your coming relocation, you may want to read the articles listed below.

Moving House Tips Sydney to Melbourne
How to Choose Your Furniture Movers
Change of Address Checklist

Furniture Removals Quote Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane

Do you want to find out how much removalists cost? Are you moving from Sydney to Melbourne, Sydney to Brisbane or visa versa?

Quote for Cost of Moving a House

When moving house the removalist cost is by far the largest component of a home relocation. It is always a good idea to get more than one quote – and to research the removalist you obtain the quotes from.

Understanding your Furniture Removals Quote

Unfortunately when comparing quotes it’s often not just a matter of looking at the bottom line. You need to make sure that you are comparing apples with apples.

Does one quote include only unloading the truck into the driveway for example whilst the other includes moving all the furniture and boxes in the appropriate rooms? Does one removalist provide boxes and packing materials as part of the quote while the other doesn’t?

Other Removal Service Quotes

In addition to obtaining a quote to move your furniture and household goods, you may also consider obtain a quote for one or more of the following services that we provide:-

House Cleaning Quote
Bond Cleaning Quote
Pre-Packing Quote
Pre-Packing and Unpacking Quote
Cost of Packing Materials Quote

Quote on Number of Furniture Removal Staff Hired

As said before we recommend you obtain at least two furniture removals quotes. We also suggest that you request from both moving companies to quote on one hiring only say two removal staff and the cost of other hiring three to four removal staff.

You may be surprised by the amount of difference this makes to your removals quote. Whilst you would be paying for more removal staff, you should be paying for fewer hours – as with a larger team of removalists the actual time for the loading and unloading is significantly reduced.

Furniture Removals Quote-Anxiety Cost

The stress and anxiety of moving house can also be far less if the job is done quicker. Thus by hiring a higher number of removal staff the move should be quicker and your anxiety lower.

Quick and Easy Removals Furniture Quote

At Quick and Easy Removals we provide you with four easy way to obtain a furniture removals quote.

Option One- Moving Home Calculator

You can use our on-line Moving Home Calculator

Option Two- Receive a Quote Form

If you don’t have the time right at this moment to use our on-line Moving Home Calculator then fill in our Receive a Quote Form and we will send you an obligation free quote.

Option Three- Contact Us Form

Provide your details on our Contact Form and one of our friendly and knowledgeable customer service members will contact you.

Option Four- Call Us Now

Call us now so we can discuss the cost of moving with you straight away.

At Quick and Easy Removals our goal is to live up to our name and ensure that your home relocation is undertaken swiftly, efficiently and also at an affordable rate.

Moving House Tips Sydney to Melbourne

Planning and undertaking an interstate house move such as from Sydney to Melbourne requires a much greater investment in terms of money and time than does a local neighbourhood move. To help you out we have provided some moving house tips for you that relate specifically to an interstate home relocation such as from Sydney to Melbourne.

For more general information, please click on one more of the links below which will help you with the planning required for a home relocation.

Moving House from Sydney to Melbourne raises the following questions:-
  • How are you going to get your motor vehicles from Sydney to Melbourne
  • Where are you going to stay for the few days while your belongings are in transit?
  • How are you going to relocate your pets?

Below are some moving house tips specifically to help you with an interstate move.

Moving motor vehicles from Sydney to Melbourne

You have the following choices:-

  • Drive each vehicle down yourself, depending on how many cars you have and how you plan to move your family this might involve driving your car(s) to Melbourne and catching a flight back to Sydney.
  • Use an interstate car transportation company.
  • Ask a family member or friend who enjoys hitting the road to drive a vehicle from Sydney to Melbourne for you – you might have to shout them the return air flight.
Choosing somewhere to stay while your goods are in transit

(At Quick and Easy we can move your household goods overnight for you)

There are many different options available here:-

  • A really good moving house tip – treat yourselves to a mini-holiday by staying somewhere really nice in Melbourne; you can often get good rates with and you will really need a good rest before you start the unpacking in your new home.
  • Stay with family or friends – but do remember the saying, “guests like fish begin to smell after three days!” so you need to get settled into your new home quickly.
  • Drive your household down in the family car and have a one night stay on-route.
  • Camp in your new Melbourne home, just make sure that you have organised that the electricity is connected and you may need to consider that you camp includes at least a laptop or iPads for the children…
Moving and Housing your Pets as part of an interstate house move

No article on moving house tips would be complete without encompassing what you should do about your much-loved family pets:-

  • Pile them into the car with you, assuming you don’t have too many and you have the room, plus do you know how well they will travel for such a long trip, and finally if you are going to stop overnight, can you find accommodation that will include housing your dog/cat etc.
  • Small and medium sized pets can be flown interstate in a pet pack, they get put in the hold of the plane and can be taken as part of your free baggage allowance, assuming that you haven’t already used this up which is very likely for an interstate home move. If you have to pay for your pet to fly from Sydney to Melbourne, they are likely to be charged as excess baggage with the rates based upon the weight of your pet.
  • There are specialists’ pet flight services that will transport your furry family member for you such as Jet Pets who will also organise boarding kennels for your pet for you.

We at Quick and Easy hope that these moving house tips make your relocation from Sydney to Melbourne easier and as stress free as possible.

Should you choose us as you’re reliable and affordable interstate furniture removalist, we will help further by ensuring the safe and timely move of your precious household belongings.


Moving Interstate Checklist Australia

Packing Checklist Australia

Change Address Checklist

Please use our Moving Home Calculator to find out how reasonable our rates would be for your Sydney to Melbourne relocation. Also you can read our customer reviews which will give you peace of mind that Quick & Easy are trustworthy professionals who ensure that we live up to our business motto “It’s quick and easy with us!”